Many individuals obtain an exotic pet, only to realize that the animal's wild nature doesn't fit into their life (or their household) as they expected. This is where we come in. A non-profit corporation created as a rescue center for unwanted exotic animals, the St. Augustine Wild Reserve will take in unwanted exotic animals as an alternative to euthanasia.
Would you like to stay in a unique, historic location? Check out our St. Augustine Inn, Carriage Way. One of the many B & Bs in St. Augustine Florida in the historic district, Carriage Way is a romantic, 130 year old Victorian home with charming covered porches and elegant rooms. Learn more about our St. Augustine Inn and plan your trip today. Instead of choosing to stay in the uninspired chain Hotels in St. Augustine Florida, plan to stay at Carriage Way during your St. Augustine Florida Vacation. We feature Romantic St. Augustine Getaway and Weekend Girls Getaways.